due to the complains suzi was giving me, i'm gonna write something more interesting.. no sole dedication to the exams, which to me and the ee people, seem very interesting. so since i've been living a life in the library, i will talk about an aspect of the library that fascinates me alot.
the toilets.
ok, i frequent the fifth floor toilets. been to fourth and probably third floor ones as well. but fifth floor, that's where my wastes go. too much detail? i'm sure it's fine. i've been there close to 100 times, considering i spent at least 3 weeks here, which makes up 21 days (from 9 am to 9pm). and in 21 days, because of my high water intake to combat my exam pimples, i go to the toilet 5 times a day. estimation, estimation...
so in this 100 times i've been there, i've seen a lot. more than i should. and i wonder. i wonder
i admit. once in a blue moon, i forget to flush the toilet. sometimes, the flush doesn't work 'cos someone else been there just before me. but, i can say every 3 times i go to the toilet, there will be one time when i get to see someone's pee, toilet paper or poo in the bowl. so that's really nice indeed. i don't understand why they don't flush. is it 'cos the flush seems far away from where they're standing. or maybe it's cos they're worried that the water will gush onto their clothes. or maybe they like showing their by-products to the next person using it, ie me. i don't know.
so anyway, since i can't do anything about people who don't flush the toilet. let us have a nice quick survey.
it'll be fun to know what's your preference. i have my own. i'll tell you tomorrow.
for now, it's back to the exams.
power, fields devices
it's alright. cos my expectations were so low. i did 3 power, 1 fields, 1 devices. or rather, i attempted 1/2 fields, 1/2 devices. so i'm expecting a high C for it. it's passable i guess. though, enxin did say something like "did u find the paper ^!*£$!&( hard?" yup. enxin did. i heard. maybe she didn't. but i think she did. anyway, !$*^!*(!£ doesn't mean the f-word. but maybe it is.
maths 3
i didn't have any mood to study for this. but i did my best. and the paper turned out fine. i'll kill myself if i didn't get at least an A. haha. nah, if i don't get an A, i'll call imperial up.
so anyway, exams are halfway done. but seems like we've been doing it for years. there's 5 more papers to go. yeah, we're not the only ones having exams. we're not the only ones having tough papers. but i think we're the only ones having 10 papers at one go. so let us moan, groan and kao bei. because be glad you're not in it. however, if you're in it, embrace it, cos you'll have the right to complain till you drop. or till you laugh while you're studying. like kai.