Thursday, January 19, 2006

19 days into the New Year.

u think u've grown up by the time u've blown 22 candles in a row, and then u realise u haven't grown a bit. instead of growing, i've shrunk in my mind and soul. u think u know it all, and then u realise u didn't know that u actually knew nothing. as a boy, i spoke little and did much. now, i speak too much and do too little. then, u finally know what u need to know, but knowledge is nothing until u've applied it. i keep saying that i know, but do i actually know and understand?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

sometimes the words just come out wrong.

the problem with words is that once they're spoken and heard, they can never be retreived. many times, i have let words out of my mouth before they have even gone through my brain. i'm too eager to speak, too lazy to ponder and that proves to be a big flaw in me. perhaps, it's much wiser if i speak as much as i blog. that way the chances of saying the wrong things will be minimised. less words, less pain, less guilt.

Monday, January 16, 2006

love is in the air..
