Wednesday, November 30, 2005

airport incident

just last friday, i went to valencia to visit suzi. i reached stansted airport early to make sure i didn't miss my flight, like how suzi almost did the last time round. anyway, i checked-in early, went to the customs early. still, i got delayed 'cos..

they detected traces of explosive elements in my bag!!

ok, i was quite surprised and shocked, but it was one of the things that i always imagined to happen to me, not that i carried explosive elements. i like to imagine things with a paranoid touch. "what if someone places a bag of drugs in my bag and i got caught for that?", etc. anyoldhow, the lady was nice-ish. she didn't treat me like a terrorist, but requested for my items in the bag and did swaps on it. ok then. i don't have an dangerous items on my bag. i have a banana, an apple, my phone, exteral harddisk, mp3player, magazines. but no bombs.

she did the scan again and my bag failed again. this time, she called some other dude to come and take down my details. at that point, i was starting to get a bit worried. worried that i'll be late for my flight. anyway, he was nice too. he didn't treat me like a terrorist and asked me some questions. then they came to a conclusion that it was my bag that triggered the alarm. apparantly, the surface of my bag has some explosive powder. or supposed to have. but my bag is just a bag. a bag that hasn't been washed for ages and probably collected all these interesting stuff along its way. they cleared me in the end and i was free to go to valencia.

and no, the plane did not explode. but i did imagine if something happened, i might have been dead accused to terrorism...


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